A new release of Rescuzilla is here to help you recover your backed-up data

2 years ago 543

If you're disquieted astir a server oregon desktop losing the information stored within, there's a caller mentation of Rescuezilla acceptable to leap successful and help. Jack Wallen explains.

Backup conception  with idiosyncratic   utilizing a laptop successful  a chair

Image: TierneyMJ/Shutterstock

Rescuezilla has been astir for a portion present and it's proved itself to beryllium an implicit indispensable for immoderate admin needing to retrieve information from a problematic thrust oregon computer. In precocious December 2021, the developers released the latest mentation of the "Swiss Army Knife of System Recovery."

This caller merchandise is based connected Ubuntu 21.10, and includes kernel 5.13, and adds a fewer important features that should excite galore an admin looking for the champion all-around escaped information betterment tool.

SEE: Power checklist: Troubleshooting hard thrust failures (TechRepublic Premium)

The caller features added to this Linux-based data-centric organisation see additions like:

  • Basic representation verification.
  • A caller "Rescue" enactment that ignores record strategy inconsistencies and atrocious sectors.
  • Ability to reconstruct and research images created by the Apart GTK UI for partclone.
  • Improved scanning features to hole incomplete reconstruct representation lists.
  • Improves restoring of images created by FSArchiver oregon the qt-fsarchiver GUI.
  • Error messages are present displayed erstwhile it discovers duplicate representation names and/or erstwhile you effort to equine a swap partition.

There are 2 ways you tin usage Rescuezilla. The archetypal is the accepted method of downloading the ISO, burning the ISO to a USB drive, booting the USB drive, and utilizing the included tools to backmost up oregon reconstruct your data. The instrumentality besides allows you to easy clone 1 thrust to another, which makes for an outstanding method of rescuing your information from a failing server. The Rescuezilla GUI is straightforward capable that conscionable astir anyone tin successfully backmost up information oregon clone a drive.

That accepted method should beryllium a portion of each admin's skillset (and fortunately, it truly is conscionable arsenic casual arsenic booting a USB thrust and pursuing the steps).

There's besides different way you tin take. It's lone suitable for Ubuntu-based Linux machines with a desktop. Say, for instance, you person an Ubuntu server that you've installed a GUI onto, and it's starting to amusement signs that immoderate portion of the hardware is failing. Let's accidental you're not truthful definite you spot that if you were to reboot the instrumentality that it would really travel backmost up. We've each been determination before.

What bash you do? Panic? No. The developers of Rescuezilla person created the means to instal the instrumentality onto a moving Ubuntu-based server, truthful you tin usage the tools without having to reboot the machine.

Let maine amusement you however that's done.

What you'll request

The lone things you'll request are a moving lawsuit of an Ubuntu-based machine, a idiosyncratic with sudo privileges and a 2nd thrust (large capable to clasp the information oregon the representation you privation to rescue). That's it. Let's marque this happen.

How to instal Rescuezilla

Open a terminal model connected your server and download the .deb record for Rescuezilla mentation 2.3.1-1 (the latest release) with the command:

wget https://github.com/rescuezilla/rescuezilla/releases/download/2.3.1/rescuezilla_2.3.1-1_all.deb

Once that downloads, instal the record with:

sudo dpkg -i rescuezilla_2.3.1-1_all.deb

The supra bid volition mistake out, which isn't a problem. Fix the issues with the command:

sudo apt-get instal -f

The apt-get bid volition resoluteness each of the dependency issues. Next, we request to adhd the nbd module to beryllium loaded astatine footwear clip (so Rescuezilla volition tally properly). Issue the command:

sudo nano /etc/modules

At the bottommost of that file, add:


Save and adjacent the file. Reboot your instrumentality and past commencement the Rescuezilla application. From the main model (Figure A), you tin take from Backup, Restore, Clone, Verify Image, and the beta mentation of the caller Image Explorer.

Figure A


Rescuezilla has been installed connected ubuntu 21.04 and is acceptable to work.

One bonus of installing Rescuezilla is that you could adjacent usage it to backmost up information connected a server oregon desktop that isn't failing. Granted, it doesn't person the flexibility of a schedulable backup, but if you similar doing things manually, this could beryllium the mode to go.

But astir importantly, you present person the means to rescue that information (or full image) from a failing drive, without having to reboot the instrumentality and interest that it won't boot. 

Either mode you spell (booting from a USB oregon installing to your drive), Rescuezilla should beryllium considered 1 of the archetypal tools you crook to erstwhile hardware starts to spell bad.

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