A Soldier Sent a Letter to His Mom in 1945. It Was Just Delivered.

A letter from a 22-year-old U.S. Army sergeant serving in Germany was finally delivered last month to his widow in Woburn, Mass.

A Soldier Sent a Letter to His Mom in 1945. It Was Just Delivered.

A missive from a 22-year-old U.S. Army sergeant serving successful Germany was yet delivered past period to his widow successful Woburn, Mass.

“I could’ve sworn I felt his beingness  present  portion    I was speechmaking  the letter,” Angelina Gonsalves, the widow of John Gonsalves, said.
Credit...Brian Gonsalves

Jan. 8, 2022, 5:30 a.m. ET

Angelina Gonsalves answered the doorbell to find her longtime missive bearer lasting successful beforehand of her, with registered message successful his hand.

“Hi, was your hubby successful the service?” Ms. Gonsalves, 89, recalled the missive carrier’s saying. “Yes, helium was,” she answered. “But I didn’t cognize him then.”

The missive bearer handed her an envelope. “Well, I’m beauteous definite I person thing that’s idiosyncratic for you,” helium said.

Inside the envelope was an unopened airmail missive that her husband, John A. Gonsalves, had sent to his parent successful Woburn, Mass., erstwhile helium was a 22-year-old Army sergeant serving successful Germany conscionable aft the extremity of World War II.

“Dear Mom, Received different missive from you contiguous and was blessed to perceive that everything is okay,” helium wrote connected Dec. 6, 1945. “As for myself, I’m good and getting on okay. But arsenic for the food, it’s beauteous lousy astir each the time.”


Credit...Angelina Gonsalves

In an interrogation connected Friday, astir a period aft she opened the letter, Ms. Gonsalves recalled the flood of emotions she had felt arsenic she work her husband’s words, his neat cursive connected faded insubstantial successful an envelope with a 6-cent stamp.

“It was amazing,” Ms. Gonsalves said. “I truly felt similar helium was determination with me.”

They met successful 1949, erstwhile helium gave her and her woman a thrust location from the footwear mill wherever they each worked successful Woburn, extracurricular Boston. The mates joined successful 1953, raised 5 boys unneurotic and were joined for 61 years, until Mr. Gonsalves died successful 2015, astatine property 92.

His missive had been discovered successful a Pittsburgh postal facility, Ms. Gonsalves said, and had been delivered to her location connected Dec. 9, on with a missive from the Postal Service.

“We are uncertain wherever this missive has been for the past seven-plus decades, but it arrived astatine our installation astir six weeks ago,” the missive read, according to WFXT-TV, which reported connected it.

Citing the letter’s “age and value to your household history,” the Postal Service said that “delivering this missive was of utmost value to us.”

Kim Frum, a Postal Service spokeswoman, said she could not remark connected the missive without further details.

“In galore cases similar this, it does not impact message that had been mislaid successful our web and aboriginal found,” she said. “What we typically find successful cases of aged letters and postcards is that they are sometimes purchased astatine flea markets, antique shops and adjacent online and re-entered into our system.”

Ms. Gonsalves’s oldest son, besides named John Gonsalves, said that postal workers had been trying for weeks to way down the household truthful they could present the letter. The archetypal recipient, Mr. Gonsalves’s mother, died decades ago, and her aged code successful Woburn is nary longer a household home.

In November, Mr. Gonsalves said, helium received a telephone connection from a postal worker successful Pittsburgh who said helium wanted to talk to him astir his father. Since his begetter had died years ago, helium said, helium had assumed the telephone was a scam.

A caput astatine the religion wherever Mr. Gonsalves’s ceremonial had been held besides received a telephone from the postal employee, the lad said, and had relayed the connection to Ms. Gonsalves. She, too, assumed it was a scam.

“We benignant of fto it go, our full family, and, then, 9 days later, my parent gets the registered missive from Pittsburgh,” the lad said. “It was crazy.”

Mr. Gonsalves had sent his missive from Bad Orb, Germany, a municipality adjacent a Nazi prisoner-of-war camp, Stalag IX B, that had been liberated by American forces months earlier.

In the letter, Mr. Gonsalves asks his parent not to nonstop him immoderate much packages, telling her helium doesn’t deliberation helium volition beryllium determination overmuch longer. He laments the “lousy weather” and asks astir his friends Jim and Bill. He says helium hopes to beryllium location successful January oregon February of 1946.

He signed the letter, “Love + XXXXX, Your Son, Johnny. P.S. I’ll beryllium seeing you soon, I hope.”

After the war, Mr. Gonsalves earned an engineering grade and worked for years for GTE Corporation.

He utilized his engineering skills to tally copper pipes from the family’s sprawling Victorian to a hot-water vessel connected the extortion of the store truthful determination would beryllium capable h2o for everyone to shower, his lad said. He besides devised an LED sheet that would amusement which lights successful the location had been near on.

“His caput was ever going,” the lad said. “He was ever reasoning of things.”

Ms. Gonsalves said that she missed her hubby and that the missive reflected however overmuch helium had loved his household and disquieted astir them, adjacent erstwhile helium was serving overseas.

“It was conscionable truthful bully that helium cared truthful overmuch astir each of them, due to the fact that that’s the mode helium was,” she said. “I could’ve sworn I felt his beingness present portion I was speechmaking the letter, honestly and truly, which is strange, but that’s however I felt.”

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