Alex Jones Guilty in Sandy Hook Defamation Suits
A Connecticut judge’s ruling combines with decisions in Texas to grant a clean sweep for families of shooting victims in their cases against the Infowars host.

A Connecticut judge’s ruling combines with decisions successful Texas to assistance a cleanable expanse for families of shooting victims successful their cases against the Infowars host.

Nov. 15, 2021, 11:34 a.m. ET
A superior tribunal successful Connecticut granted a sweeping triumph to the families of 8 radical killed successful a 2012 wide shooting astatine Sandy Hook Elementary School successful Newtown, Conn., suing the far-right broadcaster and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his Infowars media outlet for defamation.
The judge successful Connecticut ruled connected Monday that due to the fact that Mr. Jones refused to crook implicit documents ordered by the courts, including fiscal records, helium was blameworthy by default. The ruling combines with 3 erstwhile rulings successful Texas to assistance the families of 10 Sandy Hook shooting victims 4 victories successful 4 defamation lawsuits against Mr. Jones.
Mr. Jones for years dispersed bogus theories that the shooting that killed 20 archetypal graders and six educators was a government-led crippled to confiscate Americans’ firearms and that the victims’ families were “actors” successful the scheme.
The Sandy Hook families support that Mr. Jones profited from spreading lies astir their relatives’ murders. Mr. Jones has disputed that, portion for years failing to nutrient capable records to bolster his claims.
Juries successful some states volition adjacent determine however overmuch Mr. Jones should wage the families successful damages, atop tribunal costs. Those trials are scheduled for adjacent twelvemonth successful some states.
This is simply a processing story. Check backmost for updates.
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