Biden Plays the Long Game as He Justifies the End of the ‘Forever War’
President Biden is banking on the assumption that he will be remembered for finally extricating the country from the war in Afghanistan, not for how he did it.

News analysis
President Biden is banking connected the presumption that helium volition beryllium remembered for yet extricating the state from the warfare successful Afghanistan, not for however helium did it.

Aug. 31, 2021, 9:32 p.m. ET
The everlastingly warfare is over, but the everlastingly statement whitethorn beryllium lone beginning. As helium presided implicit the extremity of a mislaid 20-year ngo successful Afghanistan, President Biden connected Tuesday touched disconnected a prolonged statement for past implicit his determination to get out, however helium handled it and what it means for the aboriginal of America.
In declaring an extremity to America’s misadventure successful nation-building halfway crossed the world, Mr. Biden was playing a agelong game, banking connected the presumption that helium volition beryllium remembered by posterity for yet extricating the state from a quagmire, not for however helium did it. While his support ratings person sagged to the lowest levels of his abbreviated tenure, astir Americans successful polls inactive enactment leaving Afghanistan, and the White House assumes that they volition rapidly determination connected to different issues similar the pandemic and the economy.
“We nary longer had a wide intent successful an open-ended ngo successful Afghanistan,” the president said from the East Room of the White House, wherever truthful galore important speeches astir Afghanistan person been delivered by 4 American presidents implicit the past 2 decades. “After 20 years of warfare successful Afghanistan, I refused to nonstop different procreation of America’s sons and daughters to combat a warfare that should person ended agelong ago.”
He cited the much than 120,000 Americans and Afghan allies evacuated successful the 2 weeks since the Taliban seized powerfulness successful Kabul, boasting that “no federation has ever done thing similar it successful each of history.” And helium maintained that aft much than 2,400 American combat deaths, it was past clip to disentangle from a state wherever the United States has nary captious nationalist involvement successful staying.
But the images of pandemonium astatine the Kabul airdrome and the president’s nonaccomplishment to evacuate each American arsenic helium promised conscionable days agone raised questions astir his enactment that whitethorn beryllium damaging successful the agelong tally arsenic well. They could acceptable into a broader indictment by Republicans portraying Mr. Biden arsenic an unreliable, ineffective commandant successful main who humiliated America connected the planetary signifier — ne'er caput that the withdrawal was based connected an statement negotiated with the Taliban by President Donald J. Trump.
“President Biden’s unseemly triumph thigh was detached from reality,” Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, wrote connected Twitter aft the president’s speech. “His callous indifference to the Americans helium abandoned down force lines is shameful.”
Representative Elise Stefanik of New York, a subordinate of the House Republican leadership, chastised Mr. Biden for refusing to instrumentality work for the messy pullout. “Shouting astatine and blaming the American radical is not what was needed successful this speech,” she said. “For Joe Biden, the subordinate stops with anyone and everyone but himself.”
Supporters of Mr. Biden’s determination pushed back, saying helium demonstrated governmental courageousness successful sticking with the withdrawal successful the look of almighty blowback.
“There was nary cleanable clip oregon mode to exit Afghanistan,” said erstwhile Representative Justin Amash, a erstwhile Republican from Michigan who left his enactment during Mr. Trump’s presidency. “President Biden directed the evacuation of much than 1 100 1000 radical and got our troops out. I disagree with the president connected a lot, but I’m grateful helium pushed done contempt each the pressure.”
A canvass released this week by Reuters and Ipsos recovered that the immense bulk of Americans wanted Mr. Biden to support troops determination beyond the deadline if needed to guarantee each Americans were out. Forty-nine percent said the subject should enactment “until each American citizens and Afghan allies person been evacuated” and different 25 percent said they should stay astatine slightest until each American citizens were out. Just 13 percent said that troops should “evacuate immediately.”
Overall, 38 percent of Americans approved of Mr. Biden’s handling of the pullout. But they bash not clasp him solely astatine responsibility — 20 percent accidental helium deserved “most blasted for the existent state” of Afghanistan, portion 10 percent named erstwhile President George W. Bush, who opened the warfare aft the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and 9 percent singled retired Mr. Trump, and others pointed to the Afghans, the generals oregon others.
Beyond the authorities volition travel statement astir what the Taliban triumph means for America’s spot successful the world. Mr. Biden is intent connected mounting a caller people for overseas policy, determination betwixt the muscular, trigger-ready internationalism prevalent nether Mr. Bush and, astatine times, President Barack Obama, and the “America First” isolationism of Mr. Trump.
“The satellite is changing,” Mr. Biden said connected Tuesday, citing the challenges of China, Russia, cybersecurity and atomic proliferation. America indispensable lead, helium added, but not ever with subject force. The withdrawal from Afghanistan signals the extremity of “an epoch of large subject operations to remake different countries.”
Even so, adjacent immoderate European allies person expressed interest that the decision of the United States-led conjugation successful Afghanistan volition embolden violent groups and weaken American lasting successful the world.
Part of Mr. Biden’s governmental occupation successful handling the Afghan withdrawal has been reconciling his ain words with the world connected the ground. He was the 1 who vowed successful April to behaviour the withdrawal “responsibly, deliberately and safely” and added successful July that it was “proceeding successful a unafraid and orderly way.”
Understand the Taliban Takeover successful Afghanistan
Card 1 of 6
Who are the Taliban? The Taliban arose successful 1994 amid the turmoil that came aft the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan successful 1989. They utilized brutal nationalist punishments, including floggings, amputations and wide executions, to enforce their rules. Here’s much connected their root communicative and their grounds arsenic rulers.
But connected Tuesday, helium suggested it was unrealistic to person expected that. “Now, immoderate accidental we should person started wide evacuations sooner and, ‘Couldn’t this person been done successful a much orderly manner?’” helium said. “I respectfully disagree.”
“The bottommost line,” helium added, “is determination is nary evacuation from the extremity of a warfare that you tin tally without the kinds of complexities, challenges, threats we faced. None.”
Likewise, helium was the 1 successful July who said it was “highly unlikely” that the Taliban would instrumentality implicit the state and that determination was “no circumstance” of an embarrassing, chaotic exit akin to the helicopters lifting disconnected the embassy successful Saigon successful 1975.
And helium told George Stephanopoulos of ABC News aft the Taliban took implicit Kabul that helium would support United States troops successful Afghanistan beyond his self-imposed Aug. 31 withdrawal deadline if indispensable to evacuate immoderate Americans inactive connected the ground. “If determination are American citizens left, we’re going to enactment until we get them each out,” helium said then.
With 100 to 200 American citizens near successful Afghanistan who wanted to leave, Mr. Biden made nary effort connected Tuesday to explicate wherefore helium did not past widen the deadline arsenic helium said helium would. But helium suggested that astir of those inactive determination were dual citizens who “earlier decided to enactment due to the fact that of their household roots successful Afghanistan,” lone to aboriginal alteration their mind.
Instead, helium pointed to the 5,500 Americans who were successfully evacuated. “The bottommost line: Ninety percent of Americans successful Afghanistan who wanted to permission were capable to leave,” helium said. (The White House aboriginal corrected him and said it was 98 percent.) “And for those remaining Americans, determination is nary deadline. We stay committed to get them retired if they privation to travel out.”
Still, aft a half-century successful nationalist politics, Mr. Biden knows amended than astir however rapidly the quality rhythm moves on. His advisers and allies expect different circular of pugnacious disapproval astir the 20th day of the Sept. 11 attacks with pictures showing the Taliban emblem flying implicit Kabul.
Within days oregon weeks of that, though, they presume that attraction volition displacement backmost again to the coronavirus pandemic, the president’s proposals for ample nationalist works projects and societal payment programs, and a twelve different issues that volition sorb the nationalist much than far-off Afghanistan.
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