Biden Will Deliver a Speech on Voting Rights in Atlanta on Tuesday
He will be joined by Kamala Harris, the vice president, who is leading the administration’s push for access to the vote.

Politics|Biden Will Deliver a Speech connected Voting Rights successful Atlanta connected Tuesday
He volition beryllium joined by Kamala Harris, the vice president, who is starring the administration’s propulsion for entree to the vote.

Jan. 5, 2022, 4:30 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON — President Biden volition present a code successful Atlanta adjacent week that volition beryllium focused connected the urgency of passing voting rights authorities and volition framework a swath of state-level efforts to bounds entree to the ballot arsenic an onslaught connected cardinal law rights.
Mr. Biden, who has been nether unit to further code an contented helium has framed arsenic an integral committedness of his presidency, volition present remarks successful Atlanta connected Tuesday, a elder White House official, speaking connected the information of anonymity to disclose interior planning, said connected Wednesday.
Mr. Biden’s code volition absorption connected the urgency of passing national authorities to shield against “corrupt attempts to portion law-abiding citizens of cardinal freedoms and let partisan authorities officials to undermine ballot counting processes,” according to a statement sent by the official. The president volition beryllium joined by Vice President Kamala Harris, who has led the administration’s efforts connected voting rights.
Democrats’ propulsion for authorities has stalled successful the Senate, wherever 2 centrist Democrats, Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, person resisted immoderate effort to musculus done a rules alteration that would flooded a Republican filibuster. Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the bulk leader, has acceptable a deadline of Jan. 17 for Republicans to driblet their absorption oregon look a imaginable ballot to alteration the filibuster rules.
There is small uncertainty that observers volition beryllium watching to spot however intimately Mr. Biden, formerly a longtime Delaware legislator and a enclosure institutionalist, volition spell to laic retired a broader strategy to propulsion guardant the legislation, which Democrats accidental is indispensable to beating backmost a big of restrictive policies enactment successful spot by Republican-led statehouses astir the country.
“While helium is simply a carnal of the Senate,” Jen Psaki, the White House property secretary, told reporters connected Wednesday, “he wants the Senate to function. He is unfastened to rules changes that volition assistance the Senate function.”
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