CES 2022 Innovation Awards: An airbag for your hips, a hands-free selfie drone and VR for ADH

2 years ago 554

This postulation of products from the CES 2022 Innovation Awards volition assistance your beingness successful ways you ne'er imagined.


AttnKare is simply a integer therapeutic for the diagnosis and attraction of ADHD.

Image: CES 2022

Each twelvemonth CES Innovation Awards item user tech products that committedness to lick caller and aged problems alike. There are 26 categories from Accessibility and Fitness & Sports to Smart Home and Wearable Technologies. Here are a fewer products from the dozens of entries that basal retired arsenic thing caller oregon cool.


Users tin instrumentality pictures and videos utilizing AutoFly mode which uses artificial quality to way question and expressions.

Image: CES 2022

AIR NEO by AirSelfie

Category: Digital Imaging/Photography

The fourth procreation aerial camera from AirSelfie works without a controller. Users tin instrumentality pictures and videos utilizing AutoFly mode which uses artificial intelligence to way question and expressions. The instrumentality takes disconnected and lands close from the thenar of the user's hand. Camera features see 360, Orbit, Zoom, Wide and Video modes.


The gaming instrumentality features the Legend Evolved plan connection and is virtual world ready.

Image: CES 2022

Alienware Aurora Gaming Desktop R13/R14 by Dell Technologies

Category: Gaming

This gaming instrumentality looks more similar a sculpture for your table than a computer with its curvy shape. A transparent sheet reveals the guts of the instrumentality and reddish lighting adds a melodramatic effect. The desktop features the Legend Evolved plan connection and is virtual reality ready.

AttnKare by Hippo T&C Inc.

Categories: Health and wellness, virtual and augmented reality

AttnKare is simply a digital therapeutic for the diagnosis and attraction of ADHD. A idiosyncratic conducts missions successful a virtual world mounting portion the bundle analyzes the individual's responses, behaviour and show via deep-learning algorithms. According to the company, the extremity is to classify the person's cognitive level based connected a communal ADHD assessment. The attraction modules see VR episodes for cognitive behavioral therapy-based grooming and an valuation relation to make advancement reports for doctors and parents. 

DOTSTAND V1 by Dotheal Co. Ltd

Categories: Computer peripherals and accessories, fittingness and sports, robotics

If you walk excessively galore hours astatine your computer, you whitethorn person a slouch oregon symptom successful your caput and neck. This show stand promises to assistance you lick that problem. The instrumentality uses a sensor and an algorithm to ticker your posture and marque adjustments to assistance you basal oregon beryllium straighter. According to the company, DOTSTAND tin relieve pain, amended attraction and amended the mean cervical curve by up to 8%.


When a idiosyncratic starts to fall, interior sensors observe the alteration successful presumption and the airbag inflates wrong 0.2 seconds, according to the company.

Image: CES 2022

Hip Protection Airbag Belt By Safeware Inc.

Category: Accessibility

This idiosyncratic airbag belt is designed to forestall hep fractures and different injuries for radical who are astatine a precocious hazard of falling, including infirmary patients, older adults, and radical with disabilities and mobility challenges. When a idiosyncratic starts to fall, interior sensors observe the alteration successful presumption and the airbag inflates wrong 0.2 seconds, according to the company. This prevents hep fractures and different injuries.


This ultra-small IP encryptor dongle with multi-factor authentication extortion connects to a web via backend NetCrypt gateways.

Image: CES 2022

NetCrypt Mini by ST Engineering Info-Security Pte. Ltd.

Category: Cybersecurity and idiosyncratic privacy

This ultra-small IP encryptor dongle with multi-factor authentication extortion connects to a web via backend NetCrypt gateways. The instrumentality besides has Wi-Fi capableness for connecting to nationalist entree networks wherever registration is required. The NetCrypt Mini is the cyber-safe distant entree solution of tomorrow, according to the company.

Self-Cleaning Robot Mop and Vacuum by Narwal Robotics Corporation

Category: Home appliances

Narwal J2 is simply a robot cleaner that tin vacuum oregon mop. The spinning mop uses Lidar to navigate and representation the abstraction to beryllium cleaned. When the algorithm detects capable ungraded connected the mopping pads, it returns to the basal presumption to lavation the pads earlier picking up the cleaning wherever it near off. 


The operation of 2 backlight units with dedicated illumination profiles for nationalist and backstage mode allows viewing the surface contented for each passengers oregon lone for the beforehand spot passenger.

Image: CES 2022

Switchable Privacy Display by Continental

Category: In-vehicle amusement and safety

Do you interest that you'll distract the operator if you're watching YouTube videos oregon a movie successful the rider seat? Continental's caller "switchable Privacy Display" solves that problem, according to the company. The operation of 2 backlight units with dedicated illumination profiles for nationalist and backstage mode allows viewing the surface contented for each passengers oregon lone for the beforehand spot passenger. The backstage mode is created by a directed airy that is afloat disposable lone from the front-seat passenger's viewing angle, with little than 1% disposable to the driver.  

TestNpass by Grapheal  

Category: Health & wellness

This mobile wellness screening instrumentality is simply a "stand-alone integer trial strip" which doubles arsenic a idiosyncratic and unafraid RFID pass. TestNpass screens for the beingness of biomarkers successful assemblage fluids and delivers a time-stamped, encrypted RFID tag, which is secured by facial recognition. The archetypal exemplary of this level exertion targets antigens caused by COVID-19 microorganism corruption successful assemblage fluids. The trial returns results successful little than 5 minutes and is designed for accelerated and repeated screening successful precocious postulation venues specified arsenic airports, stadiums, and performance and accumulation halls. The TestNpass won a Best of Innovation grant from CES 2022.

TRIPP PsyAssist by TRIPP

Category: Health & wellness

TRIPP PsyAssist aims to assistance psychiatric clinics and researchers moving with ketamine, MDMA and psilocybin medicines to trim diligent anxiety. The bundle level combines psychedelic therapy protocols with a virtual world platform to assistance patients hole for and consciousness little anxiousness erstwhile undergoing psychedelic-assisted therapy. According to the company, therapists tin usage the bundle for step-by-step guidelines connected however to assistance clients undergoing psychedelic-assisted attraction to amended integrate and contextualize the enduring effects of these experiences.

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