COVID-19: European infection spike confirmed, vaccine advice for kids
COVID-19 cases have increased in the last week with 3.6 million infections reported globally, as opposed to the 3.3 million over the previous seven days, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday.

In its play epidemiological update, the UN wellness bureau noted that infections successful Europe had accrued by astir doubly the planetary average.
Vaccine reappraisal for kids
In a related development, WHO said that is it continuing to review emerging grounds connected the request for and timing of vaccinating children with COVID-19 vaccines that have received Emergency Use Listing (EUL).
To date, the bureau has issued EULs for eight COVID-19 vaccines.
The statement by the UN agency applies to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, such arsenic those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna, which are being authorized for usage in children in some countries.
Last month, a WHO panel said that the benefits of the vaccines outweighed the risks for “all property groups”.
The UN bureau near it up to idiosyncratic countries to determine whether to vaccinate youngsters, while besides pointing retired that superior COVID-19 vaccine shortages persist successful processing countries.
“The top load of illness successful presumption of terrible illness and deaths remains among older persons and those with comorbidities… Overall, determination are proportionally less symptomatic infections, and cases with terrible illness and deaths from COVID-19 successful children and adolescents, compared with older property groups, WHO said.
It noted besides that though children tin acquisition symptoms from “long COVID-19” following a coronavirus infection, the “frequency and characteristics of these conditions are inactive nether investigation”.
A rare inflammatory syndrome which affects the body’s organs has besides been identified successful children, which can complicate betterment from COVID-19, the WHO added.
Unreached targets
The UN agency’s global vaccination strategy targets call for 40 per cent coverage successful every country by the end of 2021 and 70 per cent by the mediate of adjacent year.
“These sum targets were acceptable to guarantee an equitable gait of planetary vaccine rollout and prioritization of those astatine highest risk. To date, these targets person not yet been achieved”, WHO said.
Coverage targets...have not yet been achieved – WHO
Children mostly spared
Latest age-disaggregated data reported to WHO amusement that children under 15 represent only 0.1 per cent of coronavirus-related deaths globally; this rises to 0.4 per cent for 15 to 24-year-olds.
In its play epidemiological review, the UN wellness bureau noted that infections successful Europe had accrued by astir doubly the planetary average.
The announcement followed a warning on Tuesday from the WHO that Europe could spot much than 2 million coronavirus fatalities by adjacent March.
In the European region’s 53 countries, reported COVID-19 deaths have now passed the 1.5 million mark.
The Western Pacific Region and the Americas besides reported a steep emergence successful deaths from the coronavirus, by 29 and 19 per cent respectively. In contrast, Africa and South-East Asia saw that number fall over the past week.
The United States continued to spot the highest numbers of caller cases but Germany witnessed a 31 per cent summation successful infections and the UK, an 11 per cent spike – with 281,063 caller cases.
Latest information from WHO indicates that determination person been much than 256 cardinal confirmed cases of COVID-19 and astatine slightest 5.1 cardinal deaths worldwide.
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