General Assembly defers decision on Afghanistan and Myanmar seats
The UN General Assembly on Monday adopted a resolution to delay a decision on who will represent Afghanistan and Myanmar at the world body.

The UN General Assembly connected Monday adopted a solution to delay a determination connected who volition correspond Afghanistan and Myanmar astatine the satellite body.
The Assembly agreed to defer action, which means the existent ambassadors for the 2 countries volition stay successful spot for the clip being.
The de facto Taliban authorities successful Afghanistan, arsenic good arsenic the subject rulers successful Myanmar, had sought to regenerate the envoys, who were appointed by democratically-elected governments that were deposed this year.
Adopted by consensus
The solution was adopted without a ballot and follows a gathering held past week by the UN Credentials Committee, which approves diplomatic practice of each 193 Member States.
The Committee chair, Ambassador Anna Karin Eneström of Sweden, introduced its report.
“The Committee deferred its determination connected the credentials pertaining to the representatives of Myanmar and connected the credentials pertaining to the representatives of Afghanistan to the seventy-sixth league of the General Assembly,” she said.
The UN remains focused connected assisting the radical of Afghanistan, wherever the Taliban seized powerfulness successful August. Needs person risen sharply, with immoderate 23 cardinal radical requiring humanitarian assistance.
The UN besides continues to propulsion for a diplomatic solution to the situation successful Myanmar, successful the aftermath of the subject coup connected 1 February.
On Monday, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights condemned the imprisonment of ousted civilian person Aung San Suu Kyi, who had been held successful detention since the takeover.
The Nobel Peace Prize victor was recovered blameworthy of inciting dissent and breaking COVID-19 rules.
UN rights main Michelle Bachelet said the verdict was the effect of a “sham trial”.
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