Gold Offers a Glittering Opportunity
Updated Nov. 5, 2021 7:52 p.m. ET / Original Nov. 5, 2021 11:59 americium ET
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Fans of golden and its producers arguably are the astir contrary investors, and possibly the loneliest.
Andrey Rudakov/BloombergAlmost each investors assertion they’re contrarian types, brave, autarkic thinkers consenting to subordinate the crowd. And upward of 90% of motorists complaint themselves arsenic better-than-average drivers, an evident statistical impossibility. Yet determination is 1 cantankerous clump that tin rightfully assertion to beryllium existent individualists: believers successful golden and, especially, gold-mining stocks.
Part of their orneriness comes from their skepticism astir fiat currencies that tin be, and person been, printed seemingly without limit. Even though the Federal...
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