Guterres urges developing countries to deliver on pledge for vulnerable nations
With world leaders expressing hope that the goal of supplying $100 billion a year in climate finance support for developing countries is within reach, the UN Secretary-General warned on Tuesday that the target would likely not be met until 2023 and would require additional funding after that.

“I comparison this meagre sum with the trillions being spent connected COVID-19 betterment by developed countries”, helium said.
António Guterres was speaking astatine the High Level Climate Vulnerable Countries Leaders’ Dialogue, Tuesday, during the UN’s COP26 climate conference.
According to news reports, the latest diplomatic effort, led by Germany and Canada, aims to propulsion together the required backing by 2023, 3 years aft the deadline established by the Paris Agreement.
Speaking to journalists, the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, said that “further enactment from countries astir the world" was needed to marque that happen; John Kerry, US President Joe Biden’s peculiar envoy connected clime change, confirmed this intention.

“I impulse the developed satellite to accelerate transportation connected the $100 cardinal dollars to rebuild trust”, Mr. Guterres said.
Adaptation works
The Secretary-General stressed the value of these investments saying that adaptation works, aboriginal informing systems spare lives, and climate-smart agriculture and infrastructure prevention jobs.
That is why, Mr. Guterres explained, helium keeps asking all donors to allocate fractional their clime concern to adaptation.
Currently, conscionable a 4th of these funds go towards adaptation, around $20.1 billion. It is estimated that the adaptation costs to processing countries could emergence to arsenic overmuch arsenic $300 cardinal dollars a twelvemonth by 2030.
The UN chief compared the investment to the vast funds being spent connected COVID-19 recovery, by countries that tin spend it.
Advanced economies are investing astir 28 per cent of their Gross Domestic Product into economical recovery. For middle-income countries, that fig falls to 6.5 per cent. For the Least Developed Countries, it’s little than two per cent.
Mr. Guterres argued that susceptible countries indispensable person faster and easier entree to finance. He believes that could beryllium achieved by reducing red tape, increasing eligibility thresholds and offering debt relief.
“You correspond those who are archetypal to endure and those who are past to person help”, Mr. Guterres told representatives from susceptible nations astatine COP26. “The solidarity you request is lacking. The solidarity needs to look here, in Glasgow.”
The conflict to support 1.5 live volition beryllium won oregon mislaid during this decade
Climate goals
According to the latest information from the UN Framework Convention connected Climate Change (UNFCCC), the current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) would effect successful a still catastrophic somesthesia emergence of up to 2.7 degrees Celsius.
With the announcements made in the past fewer days, Mr. Guterres said that “it’s hard to calculate” wherever the satellite stands close now, but helium is definite that “significantly much ambition” is needed from G20 nations, who collectively relationship for 80 per cent of c pollution.
“The conflict to support 1.5 live volition beryllium won oregon mislaid during this decade”, helium said.
According to him, to keep this goal alive, each state and portion indispensable perpetrate to nett zero emissions and prosecute factual and credible near-term targets.
“I impulse the Climate Vulnerable Forum to proceed to service arsenic the custodians of clime ambition”, helium concluded.
Small Island States
This morning, also at COP26, the President of the General Assembly met with Heads of State and Government of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).
Abdulla Shahid highlighted that nary different radical of countries are arsenic astatine hazard of contiguous and terrible clime impact and no others are arsenic adjacent to the frontlines arsenic they are.
Mr. Shahid besides stressed that few person been arsenic ambitious successful their Nationally Determined Contributions arsenic the land nations.
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