How to deploy with UCS server

2 years ago 534

Looking for an interior chat server that offers each the collaboration features you need? mightiness beryllium your champion bet. Find retired however casual it is to deploy via Univention Corporate Server.

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Image: Shutterstock/Narcissa Less

You've deployed your Univention Corporate Server arsenic a virtual machine, and you're wondering what you tin bash with it. One happening you mightiness consider, that could beryllium a existent boon for your company, is to deploy for interior usage only. That would beryllium a large mode to support in-house discussions in-house and not interest that delicate information/topics were being discussed connected a third-party service.

That's precisely what I'm going to amusement you however to do: deploy connected your UCS instance. 

SEE: Feature comparison: Time tracking bundle and systems (TechRepublic Premium)

Why is an outstanding, open-source chat server solution that includes features like:

  • Pop-up chat
  • In-app messaging
  • Notifications
  • Targeted emails
  • Customization
  • Team inbox
  • Lead development
  • File sharing
  • Mobile applications
  • Search
  • Third-party integrations
  • Audio/video conferencing

The existent question is, wherefore not The lone crushed you mightiness not privation to spell this way is that you're already blessed with your existent chat service/provider.

With that retired of the way, let's hop to the deployment.

How to deploy with UCS

Point your web browser to your UCS server installation and login with the head idiosyncratic (which is literally, administrator). Once you've logged in, click connected the App Center icon, click CONTINUE (when prompted) and hunt for erstwhile the database populates (if this is your archetypal clip successful the App Center). I person had a fewer instances wherever the database of apps refuses to populate. Usually, a reboot volition lick that problem. You mightiness besides request to archetypal sojourn the Software update module earlier you tin successfully usage the App Center. 

Click Mail & Messaging successful the near sidebar and you should spot the introduction (Figure A).

Figure A

rocketchatb.jpg is acceptable to instal connected your UCS instance.

Click the icon and then, successful the resulting model (Figure B), click INSTALL.

Figure B


Installing is simply a click away.

If you haven't already activated your UCS instance, you'll request to bash truthful earlier you tin proceed the installation (which is arsenic elemental arsenic entering an email, waiting for the licence cardinal to get and uploading the licence cardinal to the server).

The installation should instrumentality little than a mates of minutes. Once it completes, click MANAGE INSTALLATION. You volition past beryllium prompted to log successful with the admin username and password. You volition beryllium instantly required to implicit the setup wizard (Figure C), which walks you done the admin information, organizational information, server accusation and server registration.

Figure C


The setup wizard is elemental to complete.

Once you implicit the setup wizard, you'll beryllium taken to your instance, wherever you tin further administer your caller deployment (branding, idiosyncratic management, etc.) oregon commencement chatting with your teammates.

And that's each determination is to deploying via Univention Corporate Server. This is astir arsenic elemental a method of gaining the payment of an interior collaboration instrumentality arsenic you'll find. Give it a spell and spot if it doesn't go your institution default for LAN-based communication.

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