How to deploy Univention Corporate Server as a virtual machine

2 years ago 552

Looking for a elemental and almighty multi-purpose server for your business? Univention Corporate Server mightiness beryllium conscionable the thing. Jack Wallen explains the process of deploying UCS with VirtualBox.

The miss  works   successful  the server room.The pistillate   switches the wires successful  the datacenter.

Image: iStock/klmax

Univention Corporate Server is simply a large level to deploy to your information halfway to service galore needs. It tin beryllium a domain controller, a chat server, an in-house cloud-based groupware solution, a kanban platform, your Nextcloud Hub installation, a message server, and with a robust App Center, you tin widen this server to beryllium conscionable astir thing you need.

But earlier you get to the constituent wherever you're installing applications and having users logging into the assorted services, you indispensable archetypal deploy the UCS server. That's what I'm going to bash present first. (In aboriginal how-to's we'll physique connected this base.) With the assistance of VirtualBox, we'll deploy Univention Corporate Server.

SEE: Checklist: How to negociate your backups (TechRepublic Premium)

What you'll request

To marque this work, you'll request the Univention Corporate Server virtual appliance for VirtualBox. You'll besides request VirtualBox moving connected a big that has astatine slightest 4GB of RAM to spare. That's it; let's marque immoderate server magic.

How to make the virtual instrumentality

We'll commencement this process by importing the virtual appliance into VirtualBox. To bash this, unfastened VirtualBox and click File | Import Appliance. In the resulting window, click the folder icon to the close of File (Figure A).

Figure A


The appliance import model of the VirtualBox instauration wizard

In the resulting windows, find the .ova record you downloaded from the Univention download leafage and click Next. In the adjacent model (Figure B), spell done the settings and marque definite they look correct.

Figure B


The UCS Appliance Settings model for VirtualBox

There is 1 happening you'll request to instantly correct. Double-click connected the RAM introduction and alteration it from 2048 to 4096 (otherwise, immoderate of the apps volition not install).

Click Import and then, erstwhile prompted, click to hold with the EULA. The import process volition statesman and should implicit aft a fewer seconds. Once the import is finished, prime the UCS introduction successful the near sidebar and click Start. You volition beryllium greeted by the UCS setup wizard (Figure C).

Figure C


The UCS setup wizard is user-friendly and quick.

 Through the wizard, you'll acceptable up:

  • Language
  • Locale
  • Networking accusation (Figure D)
  • UCS domain setup (select Create A New UCS Domain)
  • Account accusation (organization name, email code for activation, and head password)
  • Host settings (FQDN and LDAP base)

Figure D


Configuring the Network accusation for UCS

Once you've walked done the wizard, click Configure System. The process volition instrumentality immoderate clip to implicit (as this is truly the bulk of the installation). When the setup completes, click FINISH and you'll beryllium presented with a leafage (Figure E) instructing you however to entree the web absorption interface.

Figure E


The UCS installation and setup are complete.

Open your browser and constituent it to https://SERVER (where SERVER is either the IP code oregon domain of your UCS installation).

And that's each determination is to deploying the Univention Corporate Server via a VirtualBox VM.

Next clip around, we'll find retired however to deploy the server with UCS.

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