Jada Pinkett Smith shares alopecia update

Jada Pinkett Smith is making the best of her hair loss.

Jada Pinkett Smith shares alopecia update

(CNN)Jada Pinkett Smith is making the champion of her hairsbreadth loss.

The histrion and "Red Table Talk" big archetypal went nationalist about losing her hairsbreadth successful 2018.

On Tuesday she shared a video connected her verifed Instagram relationship that showed her intimately shaved hair.

    "Now astatine this point, I tin lone laugh," Pinkett Smith said arsenic she chuckled and ran a digit crossed her hairline. "Y'all cognize I've been struggling with alopecia and conscionable each of a abrupt 1 day, look astatine this enactment close here. "

      In the caption she wrote "Mama's gonna person to instrumentality it down to the scalp truthful cipher thinks she got encephalon country oregon something. Me and this alopecia are going to beryllium friends ... period!"

        Pinkett Smith, who appears successful the latest "Matrix" film, explained that the enactment conscionable showed up and she wanted to explicate truthful radical didn't inquire questions.

        "But you cognize mama's going to enactment immoderate rhinestones successful there," she said successful the video. "And I'm conscionable going to marque maine a small crown. That's what mama's going to do."

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