Lindsey Graham Throws A Fit And Accuses Biden Of “Politicizing” Trump Coup Attempt

2 years ago 649

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is throwing a acceptable and claiming that Biden politicized 1/6 by telling the information astir Trump’s coup.

Graham tweeted:

What brazen politicization of January 6 by President Biden.

I wonderment if the Taliban who present regularisation Afghanistan with al-Qaeda elements present, contrary to President Biden’s beliefs, are allowing this code to beryllium carried?

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 6, 2022

Later Graham managed to falsely equate insurrectionists trying to overthrow the authorities with Black Lives Matter protesters:

I clasp the aforesaid views of those who attacked the national courthouse successful Portland, Oregon and committed different acts of unit passim our nation.

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 6, 2022

By claiming that the facts surrounding the 2020 predetermination and the 1/6 onslaught are political, Lindsey Graham was voicing his enactment for Trump’s coup. Nowhere successful his tweets does Lindsey Graham authorities that President Biden won the election.

Graham is aggravated astatine Biden for pointing retired that the predetermination was not stolen and that Donald Trump’s lies and incitement of the mob that helium gathered astatine the Capitol were the crushed for the 1/6 attack.

Sen. Graham supports Trump’s coup but conscionable wants little unit and humor adjacent time.

Republicans don’t privation America to cognize the information astir 1/6, and immoderate clip they are confronted with it, they enactment their hands implicit their ears and respond conscionable similar Lindsey Graham.

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