Louisiana Judge Who Used Racial Slur in Video Resigns
Michelle Odinet, of the City Court of Lafayette, La., resigned on Friday, saying in a letter that “my words did not foster the public’s confidence and integrity for the judiciary.”

U.S.|Louisiana Judge Who Used Racial Slur successful Video Resigns
Michelle Odinet, of the City Court of Lafayette, La., resigned connected Friday, saying successful a missive that “my words did not foster the public’s assurance and integrity for the judiciary.”

Jan. 1, 2022, 7:00 a.m. ET
A Louisiana justice who could beryllium heard connected a video utilizing a radical slur portion watching information footage of a foiled burglary extracurricular her location has resigned, according to her lawyer and a missive from the judge.
“I instrumentality afloat work for the hurtful words I utilized to picture the idiosyncratic who burglarized the vehicles astatine my home,” the judge, Michelle Odinet, of the City Court of Lafayette, La., wrote successful a missive dated Friday to the main justness of the Louisiana Supreme Court.
“I americium atrocious for the symptom that I person caused my assemblage and inquire for your forgiveness, arsenic my words did not foster the public’s assurance and integrity for the judiciary,” she wrote.
Ms. Odinet said she was stepping down “after overmuch reflection and prayer, and successful bid to facilitate healing wrong the community.”
In the video, radical disconnected camera wrong the judge’s location tin beryllium heard utilizing a radical slur repeatedly and laughing arsenic they narrate security-camera footage of a idiosyncratic trying to interruption into a car connected Dec. 11.
The connection “mom” is utilized a fewer times successful the clip, and astatine slightest 2 radical successful the country place themselves arsenic being successful the information footage, helping halt the burglary. Ms. Odinet’s lawyer, Dane S. Ciolino, aboriginal confirmed that she had utilized a radical slur successful the video, which did not amusement the faces of those speaking.
After an chartless idiosyncratic released the video to the section quality media, civic groups, including the Lafayette subdivision of the N.A.A.C.P., called connected the justice to resign, and transgression defence lawyers asked the justice to recuse herself from their cases.
Mr. Ciolino acknowledged connected Friday that the video footage had raised understandable concerns astir Ms. Odinet’s impartiality arsenic a judge.
“There was ne'er going to beryllium a concern wherever African Americans would look earlier her and not record motions to recuse,” Mr. Ciolino said.
“She understands that she’s done with being a judge, but she’s conscionable starting her efforts to effort to gain forgiveness from her community,” helium added. “She knows that’s going to beryllium a agelong haul.”
In an earlier statement, Ms. Odinet confirmed to The Current, a nonprofit quality enactment successful Lafayette that reported connected the video, that the footage had been recorded successful her home, but she did not admit that she had utilized a slur.
She said that her “mental authorities was fragile” due to the fact that of the attempted burglary and that she had been “given a sedative astatine the clip of the video.”
“I person zero recollection of the video and the disturbing connection utilized during it,” Ms. Odinet told The Current successful a statement. “Anyone who knows maine and my husband, knows this is contrary to the mode we unrecorded our lives.”
The section N.A.A.C.P. section did not instantly respond to a connection precocious connected Friday. The chapter’s president, Michael Toussaint, had antecedently said that Ms. Odinet was not acceptable for her job.
“We bash not judge a idiosyncratic having her revealed disposition should fulfill immoderate bureau bearing the powers implicit judiciary,” helium said.
Ms. Odinet, a Republican, was elected successful November 2020 to beryllium the justice for Division A of Lafayette City Court. City judges service six-year terms. She was antecedently a authoritative for the territory attorney’s offices successful New Orleans and Lafayette.
Mr. Ciolino said determination were efforts successful New Orleans to scour Ms. Odinet’s files for grounds of racism successful however she had handled cases involving Black people.
“She welcomes that,” helium said, “because it would amusement that she hasn’t, successful practice, acted arsenic a racist.”
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