Myanmar: Attack leaves 35 dead, including 4 children 

2 years ago 561

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEFcondemned on Tuesday the reported sidesplitting of astatine slightest 35 people, including 4 children and 2 humanitarian workers, successful the Kayah state, successful Myanmar. 

The UN bureau was “shocked and saddened” by the reported sidesplitting and burning of victims connected 24 December, during a clip erstwhile galore prepared to observe Christmas.  

Credible reports suggested that 4 children were killed, including 2 17-year-old boys, a teenage miss and a kid astir 5 of age, whose sex was not mentioned. 

UNICEF is shocked and saddened by the reported sidesplitting and burning of astatine slightest 35 people, including 4 children and 2 unit members of the humanitarian enactment Save the Children, successful Kayah State connected 24 December. Full statement:

— UNICEF Myanmar (@UNICEFMyanmar) December 28, 2021

The 2 humanitarians worked for the non-governmental enactment (NGO) Save the Children, which confirmed their deaths.  

They were killed portion returning to NGO’s Loikaw bureau aft responding to humanitarian needs successful a adjacent community. 

Urgent action 

In a statement, the UNICEF Regional Director for East Asia and the Pacific, Debora Comini, condemned the attack.  

She reminded that the extortion of civilians – particularly children and humanitarian workers – must beryllium treated arsenic a precedence during times of conflict, successful accordance with planetary humanitarian instrumentality and the Convention connected the Rights of the Child, to which Myanmar is simply a signatory. 

“UNICEF calls for urgent enactment to analyse this deplorable incidental and to clasp those liable to account”, she said.  

“We connection our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and to our colleagues at Save the Children”. 

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