Myanmar: UN humanitarian chief calls for probe into ‘grievous’ attack on civilians

2 years ago 530

Authorities successful Myanmar indispensable analyse a caller deadly onslaught against civilians successful Kayah state, the UN humanitarian affairs main Martin Griffiths said successful a connection connected Sunday.

Mr. Griffiths said helium was “horrified” by reports that astatine slightest 35 people, including astatine slightest 1 child, were killed successful the attack, which occurred connected Friday.  They reportedly were forced from their vehicles, killed and burned.

I americium horrified by reports that 35 civilians were killed successful Kayah State, #Myanmar connected 24 Dec.

Two @save_children humanitarian workers besides stay missing.

I condemn each attacks against civilians and telephone connected authorities to investigate.

My statement:

— Martin Griffiths (@UNReliefChief) December 26, 2021

Two humanitarian workers from the assistance enactment Save the Children stay missing, helium added, having been caught up successful the violence. Their backstage conveyance was attacked and burned. 

“I condemn this grievous incidental and each attacks against civilians passim the country, which are prohibited nether planetary humanitarian law,” said Mr. Griffiths.

He urged the authorities to instantly motorboat “a thorough and transparent probe into the incidental truthful that perpetrators tin beryllium swiftly brought to justice.”

Protect civilians from harm

Mr. Griffiths besides called connected the Myanmar army, arsenic good arsenic equipped groups, to instrumentality each measures to support civilians from harm.   

“Millions of radical successful Myanmar stay successful dire request of humanitarian support,” helium said, adding that the UN and its humanitarian partners stay committed to providing assistance passim the country.

The UN continues to show developments successful Myanmar successful the aftermath of the subject coup successful February.

Earlier this month, the UN quality rights office, OHCHR, said it was appalled by the alarming escalation of sedate quality rights abuses.

Spokesperson Rupert Colville said superior violations are “reported regular of the rights to life, liberty and information of person, the prohibition against torture, the close to a just trial, and state of expression.” 

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