New 'Jeopardy!' host Mike Richards issues apology for podcast comments
Mike Richards, the new host of "Jeopardy!," has issued an apology after a number of derogatory remarks about little people, Jews, people receiving unemployment benefits and sexist comments he made about women resurfaced.

(CNN)Mike Richards, the caller host of "Jeopardy!," has issued an apology aft a fig of derogatory remarks astir small people, Jews, radical receiving unemployment benefits and sexist comments helium made astir women resurfaced.
Richards, who enforcement produced the crippled amusement earlier being named the full-time replacement for the precocious Alex Trebek, made the comments successful 2013 and 2014 connected the podcast "The Randumb Show," which helium hosted. The podcast was a peek down the scenes of "The Price Is Right," which Richards co-executive produced astatine the time.
The podcast, which Richards often recorded from his office, had 41 episodes, each reviewed by The Ringer. CNN has not independently confirmed the comments made connected the podcast and the episodes person since been removed.
The website reports that successful 2014, Richards made a fig of comments astir women's bodies, including asking 2 younger women if they'd taken nude photos of themselves and complaining that 1 portion bathing suits made women look "frumpy and overweight."
In different episodes, helium called his co-host a derogatory word for radical of abbreviated stature, and utilized the aforesaid slur to picture histrion Kristin Chenoweth, according to the report.
In an audio excerpt shared successful the story, Richards made captious comments astir a co-host for some receiving unemployment benefits and giving a dollar to a pistillate successful need.
In different episode, according to The Ringer, pursuing a nonspecific remark astir large noses, Richards said "Ixnay connected the ose-nay," helium replied. "She's not an ew-Jay."
CNN has contacted representatives for Richards and Sony, which produces "Jeopardy!," for comment.
"It is humbling to face a terribly embarrassing infinitesimal of misjudgment, thoughtlessness, and insensitivity from astir a decennary ago. Looking backmost now, determination is nary excuse, of course, for the comments I made connected this podcast and I americium profoundly sorry," Richards said successful a connection to the Ringer. "The podcast was intended to beryllium a bid of irreverent conversations betwixt longtime friends who had a past of joking around. Even with the transition of time, it's much than wide that my attempts to beryllium comic and provocative were not acceptable, and I person removed the episodes. My responsibilities contiguous arsenic a father, husband, and a nationalist property who speaks to galore radical done my relation connected tv means I person important and superior obligations arsenic a relation model, and I mean to unrecorded up to them."
Before Richards was announced arsenic the caller big past week, helium had defended himself against allegations helium mistreated colleagues successful a erstwhile relation with "The Price is Right."
"Jeopardy!" is acceptable to movie caller episodes Thursday. LaVar Burton, Aaron Rodgers and erstwhile "Jeopardy!" champion Ken Jennings were among the radical seen arsenic frontrunners to regenerate Trebek arsenic big of the long-running quiz show. Richards volition big the nightly show, with Mayim Bialik acceptable to big prime-time specials.
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