Ron Johnson Tries To Kill More Republicans With Attack On COVID Vaccine

2 years ago 584

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) launched an onslaught connected the COVID vaccine by invoking God that should beryllium seen arsenic an statement to termination much Republicans.

Audio of Johnson:

SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI) connected earthy immunity: "Why bash we deliberation that we tin make thing amended than God successful presumption of combatting disease? There are definite things we person to do, but we person conscionable made truthful galore assumptions, and it's each pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine."

— Heartland Signal (@HeartlandSignal) January 4, 2022

Sen. Johnson said successful a section vigor interrogation successful Wisconsin:

I not lone tested positive, but I tested affirmative for antibodies astatine a whopping level, truthful I had it, but I didn’t person immoderate symptoms. How bash you explicate that?  Why would we automatically presume that our earthy immunity is going to beryllium awful? It’s going to beryllium non-existent erstwhile mostly the default presumption is if you person already had it, you’re beauteous good protected.  Why bash we presume the worst? Why bash we presume that the body’s earthy immune strategy isn’t the marvel that it truly is?

Why bash we deliberation that we tin make thing amended than God successful presumption of combatting disease? There are definite things we person to do, but we person conscionable made truthful galore assumptions, and it’s each pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine.

A sitting US Senator appears to beryllium spreading vaccine misinformation and skepticism successful a bid to termination his ain voters. Johnson didn’t marque these remarks successful a nationalist interview. His discouragement of vaccinations was locally targeted astatine Wisconsin Republicans.

Sen. Johnson’s remarks are an illustration of however they deliberation that they tin triumph the midterm predetermination by sidesplitting disconnected their ain voters. Johnson isn’t punching his summons to reelection. He is making definite that determination are less of his voters near to ballot successful November 2022.

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