Sudan: Food looted in Darfur, 730,000 people left without 

2 years ago 697

Last Tuesday evening, a World Food Programme (WFPwarehouse located in the Borsa country of El Fasher town, the superior of North Darfur State, came nether onslaught from chartless equipped groups. 

Over 1,900 metric tons of nutrient commodities that were meant to provender 730,000 susceptible radical for a period were stolen. 

The incident followed the looting and reported violence last week at the former UN-African Union Hybrid Operation (UNAMID) base in El Fasher. 

Restore order 

UNAMID troops connected  patrol successful  North Darfur.

UNAMID troops connected patrol successful North Darfur., by UNAMID/Hamid Abdulsalam

In his statementSecretary-General António Guterres called upon the Government of Sudan to reconstruct order.  

He stressed that the authorities must ensure that former UNAMID property and assets are strictly used for civilians – in conformity with the Framework Agreement the Government signed successful March.  

The UN chief also asked the Sudanese authorities to facilitate the harmless moving situation and transition for remaining UN operations in the region. 

He concluded by thanking the UN civilian and uniformed unit who remain on the crushed under “challenging” circumstances. 

Humanitarian crisis 

The Humanitarian Coordinator successful Sudan, Khardiata Lo N’diaye, also condemned the looting.  

“This was nutrient assistance meant for Sudan’s astir susceptible people. Humanitarian assistance should ne'er beryllium a target”, she underscored. 

Currently, one in 3 radical successful Sudan needs humanitarian assistance – equivalent to an estimated 14.3 million individuals.  

According to the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan, 25 per cent of those people require nutrient information and livelihoods support. 

An attack like this, the coordinator explained, severely impedes the ability to present to the radical who request it the most. 

“We urgently inquire each parties to adhere to humanitarian principles and let the harmless transportation of life-saving assistance”, Ms. N’diaye stated. 

WFP presently faces “unprecedented” funding shortfalls, estimated astatine $358 million. 


Earlier successful the month, thousands of radical took to the streets to people the 3rd day of the uprising that led to the April 2019 overthrow of President Omar al-Bashir, who had ruled for 3 decades.  

Demonstrators who made for the statesmanlike palace were also protesting October’s subject coup and the political agreement signed later on 21 November.  

UN officials and agencies expressed deep concern at the time over credible reports of superior quality rights violations, including the usage of rape and pack rape of women and girls, employed to disperse protesters.  

As of 29 December, the information concern had been restored, according to State authorities.  

Ms. N’diaye thanked the section authorities for preventing the concern from worsening but called upon the Government to measurement up efforts to support and safeguard humanitarian premises and assets. 

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