Trump Terrorists Are Crying As Judges Send Them To Jail

2 years ago 555

Judges are sending the Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol to jailhouse arsenic they are unmoved by their tearful displays.

According to the AP:

Judges are proceeding tearful expressions of remorse — and a litany of excuses — from rioters paying a terms for joining the Jan. 6 insurrection, adjacent arsenic others effort to play down the deadly onslaught connected a spot of American democracy.

The Justice Department’s probe of the riot has present entered the punishment phase. So far, 71 radical person been sentenced for riot-related crimes. 


Fifty-six of the 71 pleaded blameworthy to a misdemeanor number of parading, demonstrating oregon picketing successful a Capitol building. Most of them were sentenced to location confinement oregon jailhouse presumption measured successful weeks oregon months, according to an Associated Press tally of each sentencing. But rioters who assaulted constabulary officers person gotten years down bars.

Trump Terrorists Deserve No Sympathy

The aforesaid radical who called their chap Americans snowflakes during the Trump medication are present blubbering earlier a judge. The Trump terrorists aren’t crying due to the fact that they sincerely regret what they did.

The insurrectionists are crying due to the fact that they are being held accountable for the crimes that they committed.

For years, Donald Trump and Fox News told them that they were special. The Trump supporters were entitled to behave immoderate mode that they wanted due to the fact that Donald Trump had their backs.

It turns retired that Trump and Fox News ne'er had their backs, and erstwhile they attacked the Capitol for Donald Trump connected January 6th, they were hung retired to dry.

No 1 should bargain their tears. No 1 should consciousness sympathy for them.

Each idiosyncratic that broke the instrumentality connected 1/6 made a prime to bash so, and choices person consequences that, successful this case, see transgression records and jailhouse time.

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