WHO: 2022 can mark the end of acute pandemic

2 years ago 600

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus reminded that it was 2 years ago, arsenic radical gathered for New Year’s Eve celebrations, that a caller planetary threat emerged. 

Since then, 1.8 cardinal deaths were recorded in 2020 and 3.5 cardinal successful 2021, but the existent fig is overmuch higher. There are also millions of radical dealing with semipermanent consequences from the virus.  

‘Tsunami of cases’  

Right now, Delta and Omicron are driving up cases to grounds numbers, starring to spikes successful hospitalizations and deaths. 

Tedros is “highly concerned” that the more transmissible Omicron, circulating astatine the aforesaid clip arsenic Delta, is starring to “a tsunami of cases.” 

Earlier successful the year, during meetings of the world’s biggest economies – the G7 and G20 – WHO challenged leaders to vaccinate 40 per cent of their populations by the extremity of 2021 and 70 per cent by the mediate of 2022. 

With lone a mates of days near successful the year, 92 out of 194 Member States missed the target. 

Tedros attributed this to low-income countries receiving a limited supply for astir of the twelvemonth and then subsequent vaccines arriving adjacent to expiry, without cardinal parts, like syringes.  

New goals 

Forty per cent was doable. It’s not lone a motivation shame, it cost lives and provided the microorganism with opportunities to circulate unchecked and mutate”, helium said.  

The WHO chief warned that boosters successful affluent countries could origin low-income countries to again fall short and called connected leaders of wealthy countries and manufacturers to enactment unneurotic to scope the 70 per cent goal by July. 

“This is the clip to emergence supra short-term nationalism and support populations and economies against aboriginal variants by ending planetary vaccine inequity”, helium said.  

“We person 185 days to the decorativeness enactment of achieving 70 per cent by the commencement of July 2022. And the timepiece starts now”. 


Early on, Tedros acknowledged that beating the caller wellness menace would necessitate science, solutions, and solidarity. 

A caregiver  dispenses manus  sanitizer to a visitant  astatine  a infirmary  successful  Masaka, Uganda.

A caregiver dispenses manus sanitizer to a visitant astatine a infirmary successful Masaka, Uganda., by © UNICEF/Kalungi Kab

While elaborating connected immoderate successes, specified arsenic the improvement of caller vaccines, which helium said “represent a technological masterclass”, the WHO authoritative lamented that authorities excessively often triumphed implicit solidarity.  

“Populism, constrictive nationalism and hoarding of wellness tools, including masks, therapeutics, diagnostics and vaccines, by a tiny fig of countries undermined equity, and created the perfect conditions for the emergence of caller variants”, Tedros said.  

Moreover, misinformation and disinformation, have also been “a changeless distraction, undermining subject and spot successful lifesaving wellness tools”. 

He highlighted as a lawsuit successful point that huge waves of infections have swept Europe and many other countries causing the unvaccinated to die disproportionally. 

The unvaccinated are galore times much astatine hazard of dying from either variant. 


As the pandemic drags on, new variants could go afloat resistant to existent vaccines oregon past infection, necessitating vaccine adaptations.    

For Tedros, as any caller vaccine update could mean a caller proviso shortage, it is important to build up section manufacturing supply.  

One mode to summation accumulation of lifesaving tools, helium said, is to excavation technology, as in the new WHO Bio Hub System, a mechanism to voluntarily stock caller biologic materials. 

Tedros besides pointed to the new WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence, based successful Berlin. 

Finally, the WHO chief called for the improvement of a new accord betwixt nations, saying it would be “a cardinal pillar” of a world better prepared to woody with the adjacent disease.  

“I anticipation to spot negotiations determination swiftly and leaders to enactment with ambition”, he said.  

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