Who needs teeth straightening and the methods to straighten your teeth
Anyone with crooked or distorted teeth needs teeth straightening. Now, teeth straightening is neither an emergency...
Anyone with crooked or distorted teeth needs teeth straightening. Now, teeth straightening is neither an emergency (like tooth loss and bleeding as a result of accident in football field) nor a necessary procedure (like treatment of infection or filling of cavity). It’s just that, distorted teeth are abnormality and it is a retrogressive thing to your looks and as a result personality.
When you have crooked teeth, you look weird. As a result, often you fail to make a good impression in an interview or a date. This impacts your personal as well as professional life negatively. Also, there are some biological problems of distorted teeth. Distorted teeth often create problems like chewing difficulty or jaw discomfort. However, all these problems can be easily cured by straightening the teeth.
Different types of teeth arrangement problems
There are different types of problems that are there in crooked or distorted teeth. Teeth straightening procedures are used to cure them.
· Crossbite: Upper teeth set is supposed to be outside the lower set. In this situation, it is not. The upper set is inside and as a result this problem causes difficulty in chewing and discomfort.
· Overbite: Upper set of teeth protrudes over the lower set in this condition.
· Underbite: Here the lower set protrudes over the upper set.
· Crowding: The teeth are crowded and as a result, crooked or distorted teeth happens in this problem.
· Spacing: There is gap between teeth in this problem.
· Open bite: Upper and lower teeth, while biting, are supposed to meet. In this problem that does not happen. As a result, there is difficulty in biting and chewing.
· Diastema: This is also a problem of gap between teeth. The only uniqueness here is, the gap is in the front set teeth.
· Misalignment: In this problem there is inconsistencies in the center between the upper and lower jaw. It looks weird and causes chewing discomfort.
Different procedures used to straighten teeth
Depending on the condition of your teeth, the dentist can suggest different procedures or combination of different procedures for straightening your teeth.
· Braces
Braces are generally made of metals. They are like wires. They are fixed over your teeth. They introduce pressure on your teeth and this gradual pressure helps set your teeth in ideal and desired condition. Braces are one of the cheapest procedures to straighten teeth but they have some disadvantages.
First disadvantage is that braces look weird. Being fixed over teeth, braces are very visible and look bad. Another disadvantage is that, part(s) of braces can fall off. In such situation, the whole thing turns unusable immediately and you need to visit the dentist on emergency basis to get it fixed.
· Retainers
When dentists do corrective procedures on teeth, they use wire like or mesh like structures over teeth to hold them in position. These are retainers. Generally, retainers are used after the procedure only. Retainers can be used in place of braces, but those kinds of situations are exceptionally rare.
· Aligners
These are custom made apparatus, that are fixed over your teeth to set them in desired position. Aligners are generally replaced after couple of weeks to better align the teeth. Though aligners are costly, they have many advantages.
They are virtually invisible over teeth and as a result don’t look weird. Also, they can be taken off which is not possible with braces. As a result, brushing teeth in a proper way and washing the aligner is possible. Braces don’t provide the facility. So, chances of bacteria growth on teeth while using aligners is very low.
How does Invisalign Aligners work
Invisalign aligners work in the same way as all aligners. The dentist first checks your teeth. Then he makes a 3D scan of your teeth and make customised aligners. After that, he recommends which aligner to start with and when to replace them with a different set, and also which set, and so on.
Invisalign i7, more commonly known as Invisalign Express Braces is one such aligner product. Invisalign i7 cost is however more than braces (as already mentioned). To get more idea about the cost of this product, you can search different phrases in the internet like Invisalign express cost or Invisalign express price. However, the accurate cost is dependent on the condition of your teeth.
When the dentist fixes your Invisalign, he will also create a Clincheck video. It is a process, where first the 3D scan of your teeth is done. That data, with the help of software, is mapped and a projection is made about the condition of your teeth in future (that is when the Invisalign treatment gets over). This projection is shown in a schematic fashion in the Clincheck video.
Final Words
Proper care for teeth is important to maintain teeth as well as overall body health. To find a dental clinic to get Invisalign, you can search various phrases on the internet like Invisalign i7 London, and can find good clinics like Piccadilly Dental where you can get holistic solution for different dental problems.
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