YouTube policy change limited spread of harmful videos across the web
In 2019, YouTube altered its recommendation algorithm to stop promoting videos the company deemed harmful, which limited how much they were viewed even on other social media platforms

In 2019, YouTube altered its proposal algorithm to halt promoting videos the institution deemed harmful, which constricted however overmuch they were viewed adjacent connected different societal media platforms Technology 28 October 2021
Youtube’s decisions person a domino effect connected the wider internet Marvin Tolentino / Alamy Stock Photo
A argumentation alteration by YouTube to bounds the dispersed of harmful videos crossed the wider net appears to person had the desired effect.
In January 2019, YouTube said it would nary longer urge what it deemed to beryllium harmful videos done its proposal algorithm, though it inactive allowed those videos to beryllium stored connected its website. Cody Buntain astatine the New Jersey Institute of Technology and his co-authors were sceptical specified an attack would person overmuch effect due to the fact that links to …
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