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Category: Science
Kidney test adjustment based on ethnicity cut from UK m...
A controversial recommendation to adjust a person’s kidney test results based on their ethnicity has been removed from medical gui...
Covid-19 news: Vaccine protection wanes within six mont...
The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scien...
This is what makes the quantum world so strange and con...
Particles in many places at once, spooky influences and cats that are dead and alive at the same time – these are the phenomena th...
Do we distil reality from the quantum fog or does it ex...
Quantum objects exist as clouds of possibilities, only manifesting as something definite when we look at them. The implication is ...
7200-year-old DNA suggests Denisovans bred with humans ...
For the first time, DNA has been extracted from a Stone Age person who lived on Sulawesi – the genetic data suggests Denisovans li...
We can track antibiotic resistance in wild bears’ tooth...
The mouth bacteria of wild bears in Sweden hold a historical record of human antibiotic use and the rise of antimicrobial resistan...
Scientists call for urgent investigation into covid-19 ...
Scientists say the next phase of the covid-19 origin investigations needs to start urgently, calling for renewed focus on the anim...
Covid passes: How are they used, are they ethical and d...
Vaccine passports are becoming part of life, despite doubts over their ethics and effectiveness. Here's what you need to know abou...
Pterosaur had a head crest so tall it may have made it ...
A 100-million-year-old fossil belongs to a strange pterosaur with a 50-centimetre-tall head crest that would have made it difficul...
Injected hydrogel could help regenerate damaged cartila...
A new hydrogel that can be implanted during keyhole surgery and that provides a scaffold for cartilage cells to grow on could help...
China's covid-19 lockdowns brought forward spring bloom...
Clearer skies from restrictions on traffic during the covid-19 pandemic seem to have brought forward China’s spring by around eigh...
Caterpillar populations decline 50 per cent in areas wi...
At sites in the UK with streetlights, moth caterpillars decline by up to 50 per cent – and the decline is worse near LED lights co...